- Creating stakeholder-driven education and enforcement addressing the prevention of damage to underground facilities;
- Collecting, storing, analyzing and disseminating data related to underground facility damage
- Protecting the public health and safety from great personal harm including death, property damage and interruption of vital services caused by damage to existing underground facilities.
The role of the Damage Prevention Board is to promote safe excavation practices to all parties involved in moving the earth in and around underground utility facilities.
By statute, the Idaho Damage Prevention Board will provide educational tools available to the excavating community to better accommodate safe practices and compliance.
The Idaho Damage Prevention Board will also investigate, determine violations and enforce compliance of said code. The complaint process will allow all stakeholders an opportunity to present a violation to the Board to ensure compliance of Idaho Code.

Call 811 Before You Dig is a primary key in preventing damages.
This service is provided free to the excavating community. Just calling 811 first, waiting the required time for facility owners to mark their facilities, respect the marks once down, then dig with care to avoid the utility lines will ensure everyone will go home at night and vital services continue.